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Date: Mon, 25 Jul 94 13:16:16 +0200
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From: (Peter Sandberg)
Subject: Re: MODULE TIME!
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Hi Nelson, you wrote:
>Has anyone had any luck playing modules using Blitz Basic ][?
>MED or MOD!? With my A4000 I've just been having bad luck left and
>right. Any help is appreciated!
I have had some luck playing med modules with BB2. This was some time ago though
and this is straight from memory: There are two speedsettings in Med. When You
are composing, one of the settings will be ignored by bb2. Solution: just use the
other setting... . I dont know which one of the settings you should use but if I
remember right there is a three digit number followed by a two digit number,
like xxx/xx. I think that it's the two digit setting that means anything to BB2.